dinsdag 18 november 2008

Court of law ratifies sale of Fortis

The judge declared today the sale of Fortis legally valid. According to her the sale was the only solution to safe the bank/insurer and the assets of the savers. She says the stockholder would be left with nothing if the sale did not go through and that the suspension of the sale now only would let to irreparable consequences for the current financial market situation.
However she also stated that the stockholders have the right to have exact information at one’s disposal. A commission of experts will be constituted to investigate the correctness of the compensation of their stocks and to check how the communication with the stockholders passed off.
One of the accusers lawyers, lawyer Modrikamen, doesn’t agree with this verdict and announced he will appeal.

Lotte Van Meirvenne
source: http://www.deredactie.be/cm/de.redactie/economie/081118_fortis_schorsing

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